Registration & Product Sales

Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
In the course of the tournament, Berkshire Hathaway Homesale Realty/Sunshine Kids Foundation staff, affiliates, contractors or the media may interview, photograph, or videotape tournament participants and activities for promotional purposes. Unless indicated otherwise, we will assume your consent and/or permission to do so.
Registration Fees
More Individual Golfer
Note Only 119 available.

Golf Foursome- 4 Players Included
More Title Sponsor - Sold Out
The Title Sponsor will receive prominent logo presence and brand recognition in all event promotional and marketing collaterals in addition to the following:
  • 4 invitations to play in the Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Exclusive Title Sponsor banner at the registration desk, prominent tee, and green signage.
  • Full-Color, back cover ad on the program book.
  • Logo on event’s program and website.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Sponsor gift.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Eagle Sponsor - 4 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Eagle Sponsors will receive prominent logo presence displayed throughout the event in addition to the following:


  • 4 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo Prominently displayed in event program, banner, tee signage and website.
  • Full-Color, full page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Sponsor Gift
  • Recognition at Awards Luncheon
More World Long Drive Pro - Hole in 2 - 2 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo prominently displayed at a PAR 5 with the World Long Drive Pro in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Framed photo with WLD Pro
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Luncheon Sponsor - 2 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive prominent logo display in the ClubHouse’s dining room and tables in addition to the following:


  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of sponsor item in goodie bag
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Helicopter Ball Drop - 2 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display at site of Golf Ball drop in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Sponsors Logo displayed at site of Ball Drop
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • 1 Seat to ride in Helicopter
  • Offer to Drop Balls from Helicopter
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Logo Golf Ball Sponsor - Sold Out - 2 Players Included

Sponsor will receive logo on event’s golf balls in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Sleeve of logoed balls will be in every Goodie Bag
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Breakfast Sponsor - 2 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display at Breakfast Table in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at Awards Luncheon
More Goodie Bag Sponsor - 2 Players Included
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on Goodie Bags in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch and a gift for each golfer.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at Awards Luncheon
More Golf Cart Sponsor
Note Only 2 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on ALL golf carts in addition to the following:

  • 2 invitations to play in the Sunshine Kids Tournament including cart, greens fees, breakfast, lunch.
  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/2 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company’s item in each golfer’s Goodie Bag.
  • Company’s name on tee or green.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Air Cannon
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo sign displayed at Hole of the Air Cannon in addition to the following:

  • Logo display on event Banner and Website.
  • Full Color, 1/4 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company's item in each golfer's Goodie Bag.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Beverage Cart Sponsor
Note Only 2 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on beverage carts in addition to the following:

  • Logo display on event Banner and Website.
  • Full Color, 1/4 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company's item in each golfer's Goodie Bag.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Video Score Board
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on Video Score Board at Luncheon in addition to the following:

  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/4 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company's item in each golfer's Goodie Bag
  • Recognition at awards luncheon
More Score Card
Note Only 1 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on Score Cards in addition to the following:

  • Logo display on event banner and website.
  • Full-Color, 1/4 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company's item in each golfer's Goodie Bag
  • Recognition at awards luncheon
More Roll to the Hole
Note Only 2 available.

Sponsor will receive logo sign displayed at 50 or 100 Yard marker of PAR 5 hole in addition to the following:

  • Logo display on event Banner and Website.
  • Full Color, 1/4 page ad in the program book.
  • Inclusion of company's item in each golfer's Goodie Bag.
  • Recognition at awards luncheon.
More Flag Stick
Note Only 16 available.

Sponsor will receive logo display on Flag Stick:

  • Color Listing in program book
  • Presented with Flag at Awards Luncheon
  • Recognition at Awards Luncheon
More Hole Sponsor

Sponsor will receive logo display on Tee OR green:

  • Listing in program book
  • Recognition at awards luncheon
More Guest Lunch

Lunch for Non-Participating Guest

More I am unable to attend this event but would like to make a Donation!

Even though you can't make the event, we appreciate any donation you can afford. Thanks,

"When it's breezy, hit it easy."